Do Moss Balls Help Cycle a Tank

In an ideal aquatic environment, whether it is the natural habitat of the ocean or an aquarium, aquatic plants play a crucial role in cleansing the water body and making it more suitable for the other species to dwell in it. One such case is that of the flowerless green moss balls which avert build-up […]
How Many Amano Shrimp Should Be Kept Together?

When it comes to dealing with algae in an aquarium, or any aquarium for that matter, there is no better way to do so than by keeping Amano shrimp. They are incredibly popular because of their abilities. No other shrimp can consume enormous amounts of algae as the Amano shrimp do. What is interesting about […]
Do Betta Fish Get Lonely?

As lonely as your betta fish may look, that is not the case. Your betta fish may look lonely roaming about by itself in its tank, but it just may want to be alone. As elegant and beautiful as these tropical fish are, they are extremely aggressive and territorial. Wild male betta fish tend to […]
How do I make my Fish Tank Water Crystal Clear

Maintaining crystal clear water can be quite a challenge for aquarium owners because the water tends to become cloudy. There are multiple reasons behind the cloudy and grey-toned color that appears in the aquarium. It could be due to the residue of gravel, or perhaps some of the contents you dissolved in the aquarium. In […]
How Do You Keep Live Plants In An Aquarium?

Many aquarium enthusiasts use plastic plants to create aesthetically pleasing and decorative aquarium environments for their freshwater fish. This practice stems from a common misconception that plants are only added for decorative purposes. Live plants are a vital and significant element of an aquarium as they create an ecosystem that allows the freshwater fish to […]
The 6 Most Expensive Aquarium Fish in the World

Fish enthusiasts determine the value of a fish based on its beauty, coloring, patterns, rarity, and its availability. Naturally, a fish that is commonly available and easier to breed would be much cheaper than rare and unique specimens. Let’s take a look at the 6 most expensive aquarium fish in the world: Platinum Arowana Priced […]